quinta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2021



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quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2021

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Sam Miller

I'm Mr. Mr Herbert Wigwe

Very Urgent Attention,

Please permit me to introduce my self to you, I'm Mr. Mr Herbert Wigwe the
International Relation's Manager with Access Bank Nig Plc.
I hope you read this message carefully and
reply me immediately. Although we have not met before, but I suggest that
this transaction will bring us together. We have a customer, a foreigner
based here in Nigeria, his Name is Mr. Hamilton who based here with his
wife and two kids from Atlanta Georgia United State of America, he has
been our customer with our bank for the past 4yrs, some time August 2002,
Mr. Hamilton and family were on his way to their house, unfortunately
he ran into a Trailer load of Groundnut Oil, and all of them died.

The Board Of Directors and Management of Access Bank Nig Plc has mandated
me to look for Mr. Hamilton Creek relation/relatives or his next of Kin to
come and claim Mr. Hamilton's Fund, but all the effort could not yield and
positive result, I have contacted his Embassy and after 3days, his
Ambassador told me that Mr. Hamilton Creek has no relation and no next of
kin, their Ambassador told me that Mr. Hamilton used his first son as his
next of kin, but it is quite unfortunate that Mr. Hamilton Creek died with
all his family members

The reason why I contacted you is thus, Mr. Hamilton is dead, and his only
son whom supposed to inherit his properties and money also died with him.
As at this moment, nobody or person[s] is coming to claim this money from
our bank. The board of directors and management of our bank has told me
that if nobody or person[s] apply for the claim of Mr. Hamilton Fund, the
bank will return Mr. Hamilton's Fund into our Federal Reserve account

In light of the above I want you to stand/apply as the Relation/relative
of Late Mr. Hamilton Creek. I want you to act as the Hamilton's relation,
so that you will inherit Mr. Hamilton Creek Money which he deposited with
our bank, it might interest you to know that Mr. Hamilton has a
Domiciliary Bank Account with our Bank and he has a total sum of US$9.2M
Nine Million Two Hundred Dollars, this money is still in his account as
unclaimed money.

This transaction is very easy and simple, and it is 100% risk free, I'm
the Manager for International Relations with Access Bank Nig Plc, and the
Management and Board of Directors of the Bank are waiting for me to
provide to them the Relation or next of Kin to late Mr. Hamilton Creek, of
which I told them that I am still searching for the next of kin to the

Finally, if you are interested with this transaction, I will present you
to the bank as the only next of kin to late Mr. Hamilton Creek, hence to
claim the funds. If this deal suits your interest then contact me so that
we can proceed for the transferring of the late Mr. Hamilton outstanding
funds into your bank account.

Feel free to ask any questions, we will share the funds when transferred
into your bank account equal

Thanks and have a nice day.

Friendly Regards

Mr. Mr Herbert Wigwe

NB: Please reply to my personal mailbox: wigwe540@gmail.com

terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2021

Necesitamos tu ayuda para las votaciones de los Premios FENG

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Vota los mejores laboratorios y 

farmacias en los Premios FENG

Organizados por MEDIFORMPLUS y la revista FARMAVENTAS, esta VI Edición de los Premios FENG premiará no solo las ya tradicionales categorías tanto de Farmacia como de Industria, sino que introduce un nuevo premio a la Resiliencia que destacará el trabajo de una Farmacia y un Laboratorio para adaptarse a la excepcional situación producida por la pandemia en 2020. 



· FENG Farmacia al Farmacéutico 

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· FENG Farmacia al Crecimiento Empresarial

· FENG Farmacia al Impulso Digital

· FENG Farmacia a la Resiliencia


· FENG Industria al Mejor Laboratorio Dermo

· FENG Industria al MejorLaboratorio Natural

· FENG Industria a la Mejor Fuerza de Ventas

· FENG Industria a la Resiliencia

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Podium Global Media S.L. | Pau Claris, 138 1º 3ª - 08009 Barcelona
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domingo, 7 de novembro de 2021

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quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2021

Lee la nueva Revista de Literatos 2 - La revista personalizada en tu farmacia

descubre como hacer push al consumidor

Si quieres más información de como poder potenciar tu comunicación al paciente con una revista hecha para tu oficina de farmacia, no dudes en escribirnos.